Uxbridge, slap bang in the heart of Betjeman's Metroland is not the first place you'd think of when considering a whizzy new retail format. It is the choice for Bhs however for its new store design and what is on view is so much better than anything else the chain has to offer. A cynic might remark that this would hardly be difficult as the design bar is hardly at stratospheric levels.
That would be a mite unfair in this instance as Bhs really has pulled out the stops and more or less reinvented the brand. The tricky bit will be whether the roll-out button is pressed and just how much of what is on offer in Uxbridge makes it to other branches. The answer to this is hard to discern as Sir Philip Green's Arcadia, of which Bhs is a part, is not famous for its open-handed approach to telling outsiders about its strategy.
It seems a fair bet however that if this one performs even modestly well, we'll see things taking a turn for the better at Bhs in the not too distant future.